Performance and Flexibility
The escomatic NM6 Flexi takes its place in the center of the ESCO SA range between the Dx CNC (escomatic D2 / D5 CNC, D5 ULTRA, D5 TWIN) and the NM8 FLEXI. It will succeed the New Mach 64x range which has held a successful position for many years. More than an evolution of the New Mach 64x.
Two rules have availed for the development:
- Take the best elements of the previous New Mach 64x range to ensure its best starting quality.
- Integrate the latest Esco development skills with the latest available technologies to make it more flexible, faster and cheaper.
The escomatic NM6 Flexi took over the high-performance tool head of the New Mach range as working base.
The major innovation
Two completely independent secondary slides, which allows work on secondary operations from the front and back in a much more efficient way than on the current range.
Other innovations
- Management by ball screw drive and programming from the console for an optimized straightening
- Integration of measure scales on the secondary slides which will guarantee the precision of positioning
- Easy access for the operator granted by the complete opening of the frontal protection
More flexible, thanks to the possibility to program the secondary slides independently and because the straightening can be controlled and adjusted from the console.
Easier, through a wide-open access for the operator and the use of the latest programming technologies FANUC 0i-TF.
Faster, because the independent functioning of the two front and back units will ensure for improved cycle times